How can you get the Lowest Mortgage Rates?

Many new homebuyers think that for getting the lowest mortgage rates, all they need to do is shop around and find the one that suits their requirements the most. It is noteworthy that the mortgage rate is determined on the basis of many economic factors you can’t control. But at the same time, there are many other factors too that you can definitely control that can have a great impact on your mortgage rate. The factors are divided into two categories - the risk that the bank has for lending you money and the way you will modify the loan to your advantage. Here are the risk factors that you must know about. Credit Score This is the most important factor that affects your ability to get the lowest interest rate. The target varies from lender to lender but a credit score near or above 720 can generally help you in getting the lowest mortgage rate. Lower credit score may result in higher interest rates on your mortgage. If you don’t know your credit score, you should c...